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Enhancing the voting experience in the US by redesigning the current ballot, ensuring easy access to reliable information


I along with my team conducted primary research, secondary research, ideation, ballot iterations and user testing. I took the lead on developing mobile prototype of the proposed solution to do further testing with users. 


Rebecca Blum


September '23 - November '23


Research Methods

Research Insights


UX Flows


3 UX Designers


US voting is tedious, often becoming a group activity due to OMR's time-consuming and error-prone circle-filling

The ballot is filled with technical jargon, leading to demotivating online searches by voters

The lack of section distinction overwhelms and disinterests users, reducing voter turnout

How might we make the voting ballot unchallenging so that repeat voters find it more convenient and are more confident while casting their vote.

Target age group: 25-34 year olds

Ballot Buddy

(a glimpse)
Physical Ballot

The redesigned ballot employs visual design for easy reading, QR codes to access details, along with familiar voting behavior, while keeping costs low.

Digital App

App simplifies voting by providing credible information on policies, candidates, and creating a personalized voting plan in a single platform.

The Process

User Research

We conducted a survey and interviewed 7 individuals to gain valuable insights into voters' challenges and experiences during the voting process.

Screenshot 2023-10-25 at
Screenshot 2023-10-25 at
Screenshot 2023-10-25 at

What did the voters think?

Click to pause

"There are so many instructions, and things on a page, I do not know where to begin"
"The abundance of technical jargon is overwhelming"

Key Findings

45 minutes is the average time taken to fill in the ballot

Technical jargon makes the ballot seem confusing and overwhelming

People feel confusion when they read the instructions and see the number of pages.

Most people find the voting process inconvenient, even when they choose to opt for a mail ballot.

Secondary Research

We examined systems from different countries while analyzing various ballots to identify successful practices and areas for improvement.

Our research extends further than this.


  • It's challenging to determine if voters can correctly navigate and follow ballot information.

  • Biased online information can make voters question their choices, highlighting the importance of informed decisions.

  • The extensive use of technical jargon hinders voters from comprehending policies thoroughly.

Who is this for?

Returning voters looking for a user-friendly experience to boost their confidence in casting their votes.

Finding credible source of information

Avoiding the use of multiple channels during research

Planning ahead while managing time

Journey Map

Generating Concepts

After analyzing insights and synthesizing research, we developed 4 concepts for user testing to effectively address voter pain points.

Hybrid Model

Simplified ballot displays key information, while a QR code allows access to more policy details on the app/website. Users physically mark their vote on the ballot.

Paper Prototyping

We utilized lo-fi paper prototypes to test our hybrid and digital solution. This early incorporation of user feedback helped us refine and improve our solution

MVP Testing & Validation

What did we learn from user testing?

8/10 users preferred Hybrid Model as the information was accessible using both digital and physical mediums

  • People didn’t prefer Completely digital medium because of privacy issues which made them unsure if their vote would be counted or not.

  • Surprisingly, even after our biased thought of using an ‘X’ to mark the vote, most of the users found it inconvenient.

  • The colour coding of the different sections made it easier for the users to identify the sections. It also improved the readability of the information.

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Issues with Existing Ballot

Physical Prototype

  • Inclusion of both English and Spanish on the Spanish ballot, providing little value

  • The absence of clear visual hierarchy and section divisions, along with a grayscale appearance, led to voter and demotivation.

Redesigned Ballot

Digital Prototype

Ballot Buddy, empowers well-informed decisions by providing policy and candidate information in a single platform. It simplifies the voting process by assisting in creating a personalized voting plan.


Sign up for personalised election updates and choose your preferred language for seamless app and ballot integration.

  • Get timely registration reminders and election updates.

  • Access policy details and candidate information to make informed decisions and seamlessly add them to your voting plan.

QR Code Scanning

QR Code scanning on the ballot enables users to view detailed information about each proposition.

Add to Voting plan
  • View the policies with simpler language making it easier to understand.

  • Add the policy answer to your voting plan which will help you to access your own opinions while marking the ballot.

Making an informed decision

You can explore comprehensive candidate information, including their views on key issues, for informed decision-making

Reflections & Takeaways

Hybrid Model was user-friendly

It allowed easy access to information, and enabled pre-planning of choices.

Decreased avg time from 45 to 25 mins

It ensured voters' research efforts were worthwhile, enabling them to cast their votes confidently and effortlessly.

Testing Early and Often is essential

This iterative method allowed me to spot and resolve issues at an early stage, resulting in a more tailored user experience.

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